Testing a Web API with Postman

When you develop a web API and a client for it at the same time you often run into errors. But where did they happen? In the API? Or in the client? It would be a simple thing to pinpoint the source without that many moving parts. A stable client that works would be a …

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Evolving Documents in RavenDB

Changes in the application often result in modifications of underlying data structure. Properties need to be added, removed or renamed when your application adapt to the new business needs. Today you will see how RavenDB handles this use case and how this differs to a relational database. This post is part of the RavenDB series. …

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Paging in RavenDB

Paging of a query result is something you normally think about when your application gets really slow. This seldom occurs while developing (you don’t have enough data to feel the pain) therefore the unpleasant surprise wait until your application is in production. And trust me, to add paging as a hotfix while your users can’t …

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Relations in RavenDB

Just by using a non-relational database your data doesn’t stop to be related. Therefore you must find a way to express a relation even if your database can’t enforce such constraints. What is true for most NoSQL solutions is (for once) also true for RavenDB. As explained in Designing Documents for RavenDB your documents should …

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Fewer Errors with Continuous Integration and Code Analysis

As experience shows the quality of code degrades slowly and before you know it will be an unmaintainable mess. To prevent this many practices where developed and have proven their usefulness over and over again: test automation, continuous integration and code analysis are just a few of them. Unfortunately those practices still require work and …

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Indexes in RavenDB

Whenever you search for documents in RavenDB you are using an index. Therefore indexes are a topic you must understand to effectively use RavenDB. The algorithm behind is Map/Reduce and was explained in an earlier post. This post is part of the RavenDB series. You can find the other parts here: Part 1: Introducing RavenDB: …

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Map/Reduce: A Simple Explanation

Indexes are a very important part of RavenDB. Without them you couldn’t find your documents. But before I can show how they are created and used I have to explain the Map/Reduce algorithm. Map/Reduce is used for processing large amounts of data and was invented at Google. You can find many explanations and even more …

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