Generate Entities for the Database Tables With T4 Templates

With the T4.FileManager we got the missing part to create a code generator based on T4 templates that puts classes into their own files. With that problem solved, we can start our automation project and generate classes for all our database tables, generate the repositories to access the data and finish with integration tests to …

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Automate the Repetitive Work

When we settled with a standardised approach on how to do the work and we simplified it as much as possible, we can finally enter the phase of automation. In this last phase we face a new set of challenges that may left you baffled. Let us explore the traps so that we know what …

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Consistency Through Standardisation

Last week we elaborated on the different phases we need for a successful automation project. Today we explore the phase of standardisation in more depth. A nice side effect of the standardisation is that we get a more consistent output. Instead of the many different ways of doing things, we end up with a single …

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