Introducing RavenDB at Soft-Shake 2013

Yesterday I was at the Soft-Shake conference in Geneva to speak about RavenDB. Soft-Shake is a multi-disciplinary conference with a wide range of topics. In 9 parallel tracks you could see presentations about agile software development, functional programming, Big Data, Java, Microsoft and many more. The mixture of different technologies and languages was refreshing and I hope more conferences will adapt this pattern.


Slides and Examples

You can find the slides of my presentation on Speakerdeck:

Slides Soft-Shake

The last few slides show the gist of the examples. If you want to try this on your own you need Visual Studio, an installed RavenDB Server and the NuGet package RavenDB.Client. All the examples are extracted from the other posts on RavenDB in this Blog.

There will be more posts about RavenDB in the next weeks. You can subscribe to this RSS-Feed to stay up to date.



If you want to know more on RavenDB, CQRS or Polyglot Persistence you should check out these links:



Last but not least I want to thank the organizers. They put a great conference together and I hope I can attend next year’s Soft-Shake as well.

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