Conference Videos: A Widely Underused Learning Opportunity

A great way to learn new things is to attend a conference. You can meet new people, listen to interesting talks and discuss the obstacles one needs to overcome to successfully adopt those new approaches and techniques. However, not everyone has the time to attend a conference or can afford the ticket. A much less costly way to profit from all those learning opportunities is to watch the videos of the talks. Let’s look at a few conferences and how easy it is to get those videos.

The Norwegian Developer Conference (NDC) publishes the videos of their conferences in Oslo, London and Sidney on Vimeo and YouTube. I prefer the Vimeo platform, then there you can officially download the videos – and watch later when you may not have a fast internet connection.

Microsoft puts their conferences on Channel9. You can watch all the content from Microsoft Build, Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Connect and their smaller conferences.

Confreaks produces videos for multiple conferences in the Ruby, JavaScript, Go and Docker world. At the time of writing this post it contains more than 160 conferences – what should be more content than you can ever fully watch.

With just these few links you can cover conferences on nearly every technical topic. Do you want to watch something that isn’t about technology? TED has more that 2600 videos of their talks on topics like management, creativity, science and many more. That should give you a good starting point to find a video on a topic you care about.

Please leave a comment when you know other conferences who put videos of their talks online.

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