Bringing dotCover Back to Life After a Failed Upgrade of ReSharper

Last week I did something stupid: While working in the train I decided now would be a good time to upgrade ReSharper to the newest version. It took far longer than expected and when the train reached my station, I had to put my laptop into the sleep mode. As I started it again in the next morning, the ReSharper installation finished and everything looked fine. Except it was not.

The first little annoyance happened with the next start of Visual Studio. Once more I had to change the keyboard settings to ReSharper. This happens so often that I was not alarmed. I could work and run the tests as always and I made a lot of progress on my tasks.
As a last check I wanted to make sure I got all code covered with my tests. For that I use dotCover, the coverage tool from JetBrains. But this time I could not find the icon in the context menu. It was gone.

There are many posts on the internet that try to help you with this situation. Unfortunately for me, none of them worked. Reinstalling ReSharper using the JetBrains Toolbox did not work, repairing the installation made no difference and deactivating and reactivating the extension inside Visual Studio had no effect either. It all took a lot of time but did not bring back dotCover.

I finally decided to deinstall every last part of ReSharper and then start with a clean installation. What sounded like a simple activity was a challenge in itself. Deinstalling ReSharper in the Toolbox left Visual Studio untouched and everything working as before. Deactivating the extension in Visual Studio was possible, but I could not deinstall the ReSharper extension.
I had to open the Apps & features dialogue of Windows to get rid of multiple versions of ReSharper. That mix up with different versions could have been the underlying problem. But with everything gone I no longer tried to find the root of those problems.

After a reboot I could install the newest version of ReSharper without a problem. I had once more to change the keyboard settings and then I got my dotCover back:

dotCover back in action

If you mess up a ReSharper update, do not try to fix it and directly go for the uninstall option. You can save yourself a lot of time and energy that you can better put into your code.

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