Python Friday #14: 5 Python Courses on Pluralsight You Should Not Miss

Pluralsight offers many great courses on Python. Even better, they currently run the #FREEAPRIL campaign in which you can watch all their videos in the month of April for free. To give you a head start, I collected in this post 5 courses I can recommend for learning Python.

This post is part of my journey to learn Python. You can find the other parts of this series here.

Python: Getting Started: Bo Milanovich created a great introduction to Python. He explains the syntax of Python, how the developer experience looks like and the wide range of applications you can create with Python. This is a beginner-friendly course and takes 3 hours to give you a good starting point for your own expedition into the world of Python.
This course was replaced with Core Python: Getting Started in the Python Track. However, I find the course by Bo a lot better and recommend you watch his course instead of the “new” one.

Python Fundamentals: Austin Bingham and Robert Smallshire explain in great detail the fundamentals of Python. This course is great for everyone who wants to know how things exactly work. However, if you just want to start writing code then you may be disappointed.

Core Python: Organizing Larger Programs: In this course Austin Bingham and Robert Smallshire explain everything you need to know about modules and packages. Again, with many details, but when you run into a problem with modules, you most likely find an answer in this course.

Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments: Reindert-Jan Ekker shows in his course how you work with the Python Package Index and how you can use virtual environments to prevent your system from getting a dumping ground for old packages.

Unit Testing with Python: Emily Bache created a great introduction into unit testing with Python. The course starts with an introduction to unit testing and testing in general, then she explains the frameworks unittest and pytest before she introduces doctest for testing your documentation. Definitely a must-watch course if you want to create high-quality applications!

I hope this selection will help you to maximize your experience with learning Python on Pluralsight. Please post a comment if you know other great courses one should not miss.

1 thought on “Python Friday #14: 5 Python Courses on Pluralsight You Should Not Miss”

  1. Your article is too good and informative. I am searching for Python and I get exact article i am thankful to you for sharing this educational article .Keep writing and sharing educational article like this which can help us to grow our knowledge.


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