How to Create Self-Signed Client-Side SSL Certificates That Work

Creating a client-side SSL certificate that you can use to log in on a web site is a challenge. Every part from your certificate to the settings in your web application must work together or you only get an error message. You may have created SSL server certificates without any problems, but believe me, client certificates are another beast.

Whenever I need to create client certificates to log in for testing purposes, I go to the GitHub Gist from Mike Tigas. He wrote down all the commands you need for the most common use-cases. Even if you are in a hurry, you should take the time to read his comments. They can help you to better understand why you need to do things in a certain way – and it must be that way, or nothing will work.

Here are the commands I used to create my certificates for my last test. You need OpenSSL and I suggest you install it with Chocolatey if you use Windows. The commands here work with PowerShell, for Linux you can use the commands as they are written down in the Gist.


Create a certificate for your certificate authority

First we need to create a key for our certificate authority (CA) certificate. We need our own CA so that our web server knows which certificates are trustworthy.

The next command creates the certificate for the CA based on our newly created keys. The creation wizard asks a few questions about your CA. You can enter what you want, but it will be simpler to find the certificate if it contains some clues about the project for which you created it.


Create a user certificate

With our CA certificate in place, we now create a key for our user:

To create the user certificate with our CA, we again need to enter some details and set a password:

If your server needs a pem file with key, certificate and the CA certificate, you can run this command (for IIS and IIS Express you can skip this step):

As the last command we create a *.pfx file with our certificate and its private key. To protect this private key, we need to set a password. The same password will be needed to import this certificate into your browser.


Import the certificates at the right place

On the machine you want to log in, run certmgr.msc from the Start menu of Windows to open the Certificate Manager tool for the current user. Import the file 01-alice.full.pfx into the folder Personal / Certificates of the Certificate Manager:

Import your user certificate into Personal / Certificates of the Certificate Manager

Next, switch over to the machine on which your web application runs (if this is the same machine, keep the Certificate Manger open and proceed to the import of the ca.pem file).

On the server, run the mmc command in the Start menu and add the Certificate snap-in. Select the option to manage the certificates for the computer account:

Select computer account

Import your ca.pem file into the folder Certificates / Trusted Root Certification Authorities:

Import ca cert into Certificates / Trusted Root Certification Authorities

If you now open a site that asks for a client certificate, your browser should let you choose your newly created certificate as a form of authentication.

To accept client certificates on an IIS Express you should read this blog post. IIS Express needs some additional settings that IIS has activated by default.



There are many things that can go wrong with client certificates and only when everything works perfectly can you use your newly created certificate to log in. Thanks to the Gist from Mike we can get all the steps right at the first try.

5 thoughts on “How to Create Self-Signed Client-Side SSL Certificates That Work”

  1. Hi Jonny,
    Thanks for the article. Do you have any good ideas on how to use a Client cert that is not based on a trusted authority?
    In my case the client is a computer from another company, using certs from their CA, and I just want IIS to accept that without asking any questions. The application itself takes care of all the validation, all I need is to get the cert on the SSL level.

  2. PS C:\vtmcases\clientca> openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.pem

    Can’t open Z:/extlib/_openssl111__/ssl/openssl.cnf for reading, No such file or directory
    7608:error:02001003:system library:fopen:No such process:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:69:fopen(‘Z:/extlib/_openssl111__/ssl/openssl.cnf’,’r’)
    7608:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:76:

    PS C:\vtmcases\clientca>

    • Hi Shaukat,
      Did you install OpenSSL using Chocolatey? If the problem persists, you should try that.

      A not tested approach could work. In the same command terminal you enter your commands, enter this one first:

      set OPENSSL_CONF=[path-to-OpenSSL-install-dir]\bin\openssl.cfg

      This should fix the problem with the Z: drive.



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