Python Friday #206: What Is the Meaning of ** and * in Parameters and Method Calls?

You may run into code examples where the parameters are prefixed with a star or a double star. This little feature of Python comes in handy when we need a bit more flexibility for our methods. Let us explore how that works.

This post is part of my journey to learn Python. You find the code for this post in my PythonFriday repository on GitHub.


*args: accept a variable number of arguments

If we want to accept a variable number of arguments, we can use the * in front of our parameter name to catch everything that is put into our function:


**kwargs: accept any keywords (name:”value”) as parameters

The **kwargs gives us all keyword arguments as a dictionary:


Mix and match?

We can combine the regular parameters with *arg and **kwarg parameters, as long as we put them in that order:

The *args and **kwargs parameters are optional and can be omitted:


Unpack iterables with *

We can use the *args when we have multiple values on the right side of an assignment and a smaller number of variables on the left side. In this case the * catches everything that is left over:

The first value goes into a, the last value into c and everything else goes into b.

We can use this syntax with multiple return values from a function as well.


Unpack dictionaries with **

We can use the ** to unpack a dictionary when we call a method. Instead of putting the arguments in the right order, we can let Python do that work for us:

The order of the keys does not matter, but the names of the keys must match the names of the parameters.



With *args and **kwargs we can get a lot of flexibility for our functions by using them in the parameter declaration. While this is the most common use case, the unpacking of dictionaries or assigning a variable number of values is something where * and ** are a great help as well. We do not need to overdo it and use them everywhere, but when we have a problem where this solution fits, we should use it.

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