Automate Code Generation With T4 Templates

After exploring the theoretical side of an automation project over the last few weeks, it is now time to get our hands dirty and write some code. There are many options for code generation, but I prefer the T4 templates. We have been using them for years and they are so stable that they form an excellent basis for our automation project.


What is T4?

Microsoft introduced the Text Template Transformation Toolkit (short T4) in 2005. If you generated controllers, view models or anything else in Visual Studio since then, you did run a T4 template – probably without knowing it.

We can use C# to create any text file we want with T4: XML, C#, Python, JSON, HTML, and everything else that uses a text file. The C# we use in the template is there to give us the flexibility and the logic, while the output we produce is text.

You can find the code of T4 itself on GitHub.



If you use Visual Studio or Rider, you do not need to install T4. It comes with those two development environments and works out of the box.

For Linux or other editors, you can install T4 as a global dotnet tool with this command:


Our first template

For our first steps with T4 we use this little template named to create an HTML file with the current date in it – that is the date at the time we run the template to generate the HTML code:

Make sure that the Custom Tool points to TextTemplatingFileGenerator in the properties of the T4 template:

The property Custom Tool must have TextTemplatingFileGenerator in it.


Run the code generator

In Visual Studio we can right-click on the template and generate the code with the option “Run Custom Tool“:

The context menu in the Solution Explorer allows us to run the T4 template

In Rider we can right-click on the template and use the option “Run Template” to generate the code:

Rider has the Run Template option in the context menu of a T4 file.

On Linux we can use this command to generate the code from our T4 template:

Whatever option you choose to generate the code, our first template should contain a small HTML fragment with the date of the template run:


A more complex template

When we want to generate code, we need a bit more logic inside our template. We can use two lists, one with the name of the classes we want to generate, and the other list with the fields and their types. In our template we need a bit of glue code, a few assembly references and then we can loop through both lists:

If we run the custom tool for our template, we get a ClassGenerator.cs file with our two classes:


Documentation and help

Microsoft offers us a good documentation for T4 that covers most of the things we need to know about T4.

In the article on T4 in Wikipedia we get this handy table of the 4 control types of T4:

Name Syntax Description
Directives <#@ … #> Instructions for the transformation engine
Standard control blocks <# … #> Code to be executed (e.g. loops)
Expression control blocks <#= … #> Expressions evaluated and converted to a string
Class feature control blocks <#+ … #> Class and function definitions

A good source of help for problems with T4 is Stack Overflow. If you cannot find an answer there, use your favourite search engine and do not ignore older search results. T4 did not change much over the last years and an old post may still be helpful.



The main shortcoming of T4 is that it creates its output into a single file. While we can use the code that way, it is most likely something we never would allow our teammates to do. Next week we find a solution for that problem that allows us to create our code into separate files.

The not so obvious shortcoming is that T4 has all the features it needs. Therefore, we do not get new versions that often and you have a hard time to figure out what version you use in the first place. This gives the impression of a dead technology, but that is not true. T4 is alive and kicking and you can run it on Windows, Linux, Mac, with the .Net full framework and .Net (Core).



With our two T4 templates we could get a first impression of this helpful technology. We can use C# code to generate anything that uses a text file as its base. The options are nearly endless and help us for our automation project. Next week we address the main shortcoming of T4 and generate code into different files.

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