Seq as a Sink for Serilog

As I explained in the last posts, log messages are not just strings but have an inner meaning. When we use Serilog to write structured log messages we make them explicit to query them later. The tool we want to use to search for a specific orderId should give us this capability without the need …

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RavenDB as a Sink for Serilog

As I explained in the last post, creating JSON documents with Serilog is easy. But to make something useful with the log messages we must be able to query them. When I think about storing JSON documents then RavenDB is the first system that comes to my mind. RavenDB was the topic of many posts …

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Structured Logging with Serilog

As a .Net developer you can choose from a variety of logging frameworks. All are more or less built to mitigate the shortcomings of the built in tracing framework. While System.Diagnostics.Trace has some helpful concepts, it misses many basic features most other logging frameworks can offer out of the box. Serilog is not just another …

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The Missed Opportunities of Log Files

Log files could be a great place to find the answer on what went wrong in our applications. They should contain all the necessary information to understand the state of the application before and while the error happened. Instead most log files are giant collections of data without much structure and even less meaning. What …

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The Maintenance Developer Myth

As a little distraction from writing I was procrastinating on Hacker News and Reddit. The blog post “Why are we interviewing Developers by asking Architect questions?” caught my attention and got me thinking about the term “maintenance developer”. Those mythical species of developers who are so insisting that their work is so fundamentally different from …

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(Geo-) Fenced Out

Geofences are a nice feature that can help you to focus on important things based on your location. At work you care for other things than in the supermarket. Showing your groceries list is a help there, but at work it’s a distraction at best. Applications that support geofencing can help us when the technology …

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RavenDB 3: The New Management Studio

The next version of RavenDB will have some exiting new features. Beside many optimisations, improvements and new functionality you will get a new RavenDB Management Studio. Dropping Silverlight is only one of many improvements you will notice. Let’s have a look on what is changed and how much still works as expected. This post is …

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