Map/Reduce: A Simple Explanation

Indexes are a very important part of RavenDB. Without them you couldn’t find your documents. But before I can show how they are created and used I have to explain the Map/Reduce algorithm. Map/Reduce is used for processing large amounts of data and was invented at Google. You can find many explanations and even more …

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Introducing RavenDB at Soft-Shake 2013

Yesterday I was at the Soft-Shake conference in Geneva to speak about RavenDB. Soft-Shake is a multi-disciplinary conference with a wide range of topics. In 9 parallel tracks you could see presentations about agile software development, functional programming, Big Data, Java, Microsoft and many more. The mixture of different technologies and languages was refreshing and …

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Designing Documents for RavenDB

Documents are the most important part of a document oriented database like RavenDB. Without those documents you can’t do anything. To know how to design them is therefore a skill you really must learn to work effectively with RavenDB. The good news first: Most of the things you know on how to build software and …

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Refactoring Rails Applications: A Workshop to Remember

Refactoring is a technique I often use but know I still have a lot to learn, especially when I see a presentation like Therapeutic Refactoring. So I was very excited when the organizers of the Barcelona Ruby Conference announced the pre-conference workshop “Refactoring Rails Applications” by JumpstartLab. It may sound strange to attend a refactoring …

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Getting RavenDB Up & Running

There are many ways to install RavenDB. Depending on your needs you can run it in the embedded mode, as a standalone server or integrate it into your ASP.Net application. When trying something new I like to start with a known working state. Therefore I recommend using the standalone installation of the RavenDB server for …

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