Reading Configuration Files in C#

A common task for developers is to store application specific configuration. There are many ways you can take to get that functionality. If you use .Net / C# you can use the simple, built-in way to work with configuration files. Let’s look how this works.


Create an app.config or web.config

Right click on the project node in the Solution Explorer -> Add -> New Item -> Application Configuration File. This will add an app.config file to your project. Visual Studio checks if the project you selected is a web project and if so, it will create a web.config file instead. They follow the same rules and in either case you get the same benefits.

In the app.config file you can add a section called appSettings to store your values. A full example of an app.config with a property to specify a sender email address can look like this one:


Use the ConfigurationManager to read it

The class ConfigurationManager offers you a simple way to read the configuration values. Reference the system package System.Configuration and add a using statement for it. You now can read your configuration values like an array:

The benefit of storing your configuration values outside of your code is that you can come back later and only change the values in a simple text file. You don’t need to recompile your code to use the new settings.


Reading the connection string

The connection strings for your database have their own section called <connectionStrings>. To read the connection string for the database PagingDb as specified in the app.config example above, you can use this line of code:

While your configuration settings may not change that much, you should always save your connection strings outside of your application. You should use a different database for development, test and production. If your connection string is stored in the app.config, you can simply replace it without recompiling your code.



When you follow the built-in way and don’t reinvent the configuration management wheel, you not only save a lot of time, but other tools can work with this approach as well (such as Octopus Deploy).

Don’t fight the framework, use it.

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