Upgrade NUnit from Version 2.x to 3.8

We started the migration to NUnit 3.0 as soon as the final version was released. Unfortunately, some bugs on Visual Studio Team Services ended this endeavour rather suddenly. We concentrated on shipping our product and postponed the upgrade. Now, with all our projects migrated, it is time to look back on the breaking changes that took the most time to upgrade.

The switch from NUnit 2.x to 3 was a big one. The team of NUnit did their best to inform about breaking changes, but we had other things to do than to check how a version we not yet can use expect us to write our code. That lead to even more code we needed to change later. This situation may be familiar for you and is the reason why a timely upgrade is the goal we should aim at.

If you hit a problem with your upgrade that isn’t covered here, you should check the list of breaking changes for a solution.



There is no longer a TestFixtureSetUpAttribute. You could use this attribute to mark a setup method that would be executed prior to your tests:

How often will this method be called? Once per test or once per fixture? I could never remember what it was. The new attribute name in NUnit 3 is clear:



We used the ExpectedExceptionAttribute extensively to ensure that our code was called with the right values – or throw an exception otherwise. This attribute let you define what exception should be thrown and if this didn’t happen your test failed:

However, if you used a too generic exception or Exception itself, your code could fail for the wrong reason and still pass. NUnit 3 is much more explicit on which line should throw the exception:


ExpectedException with a specific Message

If you had multiple places where the same exception could occur, you could specify what message you expected:

In NUnit 3 you can not only specify what message you want, but also if you want the exact or a derived type of your exception:



If you needed to reference the file system in your tests to load certain files or check that files where created, you could access them with a path relative to your bin folder:

NUnit 3 no longer sets the directory containing the test assembly as the working directory. Therefore you need to extend your relative paths with the TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory property:



If you didn’t want to run a test you simply annotated the test with the IgnoreAttribute:

That worked well but lead to ignored tests no one could remember why they should not be run. NUnit 3 forces you to give a reason:



Moving to NUnit 3 was a lot more work than I expected. I hope this post can help to reduce the time you need to get back on a current version. It’s worth it and I hope the move to 4.x will need less work.

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