Advent of Code: The Fun Starts Soon

Do you like coding puzzles? If so, you should go to and prepare yourself for some funny little coding challenges.

Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.

As usual, the Advent of Code starts on December 1st and runs until Christmas. If you cannot wait until Friday, you can challenge yourself with the puzzles of the previous years.

The puzzles are Christmas themed and offer you a nice little story that contains the coding challenge you need to solve. If you solve the first part for the day, you get more of the story and a second puzzle.

You need to read the story, extract the requirements, and write some code to solve the puzzle. When you run your code against the personalised input values, you find the answer that you can enter on the site to unlock the next puzzle. If you miss a day or fail to solve the puzzle, you get your next chance the following day.

Eric Wasti runs this event for the 9th time and thanks to the sponsors, we can participate for free. Let us have some fun!

The puzzles are text based and embedded in a Christmas story.

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