Python Friday #208: Working With Lists and Dictionaries

I had to do a lot of work with lists and dictionaries to solve the puzzles for Advent of Code. Here is my little cheat sheet for these two basic data structures from which you could also benefit.

This post is part of my journey to learn Python. You find the code for this post in my PythonFriday repository on GitHub.


Length of a list


Copy a list


Append at the end of a list


Append at the beginning of a list


Reverse a list (in place)


Create a reversed copy of a list


Sum up all entries in a list


Multiply all entries in a list


Find the least common multiple


Get maximum and minimum of entries in a list


Sort a list (in place)


Sort a copy of the list


Sort a list by a property of the entries


Turn a string into a list of characters


Turn a list into a string


Iterate through a list


Iterate through a list with an index


Get the largest value of a dictionary


Get the largest key of a dictionary


Get the key for the largest value in a dictionary



This cheat sheet may be of help for your next attempt with Advent of Code of when you need to do some work with lists and dictionaries. Next week we explore defaultdict, one more thing about dictionaries and lists that can make your code simpler.

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